Restaurants juggle a vast array of daily necessities, from providing stellar customer service, to preparing delicious and aesthetically pleasing food, to handling the logistics of food orders and general management. In these environments, it’s not uncommon for cleanliness to take a back seat. However, utilizing a proper and thorough sanitation program can be a gamechanger to ensuring staff and patrons alike stay healthy and satisfied.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), contaminated food equipment is one of the leading causes of food-born illness. This means that ensuring proper care and maintenance of all tools and pieces of equipment in your restaurant or food preparation business is paramount to limiting illness. Typically, proper protocol includes two distinct steps:

  • Removing physical food scraps from equipment and using soap or other cleaning agents to break down tougher greases. This qualifies as cleaning, but it’s not enough to fully prevent contamination.
  • The second step must always be sanitation of some form. Using heat or a chemical agent allows you to tackle any unseen particles of food, grease, and microorganisms. The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development utilizes a strict Health Code that requires 99.999% of microorganisms to be removed via this sanitation method.

Adhering to these Health Codes and implementing cleaning and sanitation standards throughout your business may feel overwhelming. However, utilizing a trusted and experienced sanitation company can make all the difference. WheelHouse Industries is able to identify the unique needs of your restaurant or food preparation business and help you to develop a comprehensive program for maintaining safe levels of cleanliness. We can refer reliable service companies and offer a variety of cost-effective sanitizers that align with local regulations.

A clean and sanitized restaurant is a profitable one. By choosing to create and maintain a comprehensive sanitization program, you are ensuring that your staff is working with sterilized equipment and utensils, your final dishes served to customers remain uncontaminated, and your patrons can consume delicious meals without risk of health problems.

Wheelhouse Industries offers a complete solution to sanitize your work environment. Our products disinfect, sanitize, and kill COVID-19, along with several other viruses and bacteria. Our innovative air purification and sanitizing products offer a wide range of features to disinfect multiple areas throughout your business.