Choosing the right descaler chemicals is essential to ensuring your heat exchanger is properly and thoroughly cleaned. Using the wrong solution that doesn’t sufficiently target scale build-up can result in components becoming overworked, equipment failure, and costly repairs or replacements.

Numerous descalers are on the market with different strength levels, and the minerals in your water supply impact the strength of chemicals you need to properly descale. For example, limescale or other basic calcium carbonates require a more standard descaler, while water supplies with more complex deposits need much more concentrated chemical solutions to thoroughly break down build-up. It’s important to identify what type of minerals are building up within your heat exchanger and choose a solution with an appropriate chemical formula to tackle those minerals.

When choosing the right chemical descaler, it’s also important to consider the level of buildup you’re dealing with. Even the most basic mineral scale can become stubborn if long periods of time have passed between cleanings. If you’re tackling an overdue heat exchanger cleaning, it’s often beneficial to use a more potent solution than you might normally utilize in order to fully descale your equipment.

Another key consideration is the age of your equipment. Even if your exchanger is new, debris, contaminants, and other residue can still be present and cause damage if not flushed out of the system. It’s a good idea to choose a chemical solution that targets this type of manufacturing residue to prevent corrosion and build-up before it appears.

Regular and thorough heat exchanger cleanings are the best way to prevent equipment damage and failure, and choosing the proper chemical descaler can provide peace of mind that your system remains fully functional for its service life. Partnering with a trusted condenser and heat exchanger cleaning supplier like Wheelhouse Industries helps you choose the right descaler chemicals solution for you and your equipment’s unique needs.