Within industrial operations, productivity and efficiency are absolutely paramount. Often, processes rely on the reliable and consistent operation of numerous pieces of equipment working in tandem. Because of this, any equipment downtime, planned or otherwise, can have a significant impact on overall operational efficacy. A key way to minimize potential downtime is by investing in regular descaling procedures.

Scale refers to mineral buildup that forms on equipment over time, often as a result of hard water used in industrial processes creating layers of solid deposits on equipment surfaces. When scale builds up, the equipment’s heat transfer efficiency is reduced, and flow is restricted. If these deposits are not managed in a timely fashion, the equipment can be compromised.

Descaling, often with chemical treatments or mechanical processes, helps to remove buildup and increase equipment’s efficiency and length of service life. While descaling needs vary based on a variety of factors – age of the equipment, daily use, etc. – regular and planned maintenance is necessary to maximize efficiency.

Unmanaged scale results in long periods of equipment downtime necessary for extensive cleaning, repairs, or even potential replacements. Not only does this impact business operations, but it can also be quite costly as revenue is impacted and more major repairs can become expensive.

Alternatively, regular and thorough descaling practices require less downtime while simultaneously maximizing heat transfer efficiency, extending the equipment’s and saving maintenance costs.

Investing in proactive heat exchanger maintenance saves you and your company significant time and money while also promoting your equipment’s long-term performance and efficiency. The trusted and experienced team at WheelHouse Industries can support your preventative maintenance needs by helping to design a descaling plan suited to your unique specifications, complete with recommended descaling solutions and processes to ensure minimized downtime and maximized cost-savings.