As an industrial professional, you know all too well the importance of removing the buildup of scale and debris from equipment, such as heat exchangers, boilers, process lines, and other scale-ladened surfaces. Without this process, equipment and surfaces would become less effective over time, driving up energy bills and shortening service life. As organic descalers have begun to enter the market in the face of a worldwide push for sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions, the question remains, are organic and biobased products as effective as traditional chemical descalers? The answer is yes.

Traditional descalers, which often utilize harsh chemicals like hydrochloric and sulfamic acid, are successful at removing tough scale and buildup, but they also come with significant risks. These solutions can corrode equipment over time, produce toxic fumes, and harm the environment if not disposed of properly. Alternatively, organic descalers are created with natural components, such as lactic or citric acids, that perform the same function without the use of harsh chemicals. These more organic acids break down limescale and dissolve mineral deposits just as efficiently as traditional solutions.

Additionally, organic descalers clean your equipment thoroughly without causing damage or corrosion. The organic acids utilized in biobased descalers are gentler on equipment and cause less wear and tear over time, thus minimizing costly repair costs or downtime associated with cleanings.

While both traditional chemical descalers and biobased descalers are carefully formulated to target mineral deposits like calcium carbonate, the latter are specifically designed to target only buildup and limescale without targeting the metal surface underneath, making them equal, or more, effective than traditional options.

Switching to organic descalers not only benefits your planet, but also your equipment and your wallet. These biobased products perform the same level of effective descaling as traditional solutions while minimizing the risk of harm to your equipment and the environment. Partnering with the trusted and experienced team at WheelHouse Industries provides valuable and customized insight on which products, organic or otherwise, are best suited for your unique scale removal needs.