Heat exchanger and condenser Plasta Pigs are a “one of a kind” design which covers various deposit conditions and tube sizes. Scientifically engineered using a high-quality proprietary blend of TPE (Thermoplastic Plastic Elastomer). It comes in either a soft or hard TPE to fit various tube sizes of 7/8” to 1 ¼”. A combination of the 4 cleaning/scraping surfaces and a center through hole ensures your tube is squeegee cleaned.
Plasta Pig

Deciding which cleaner to use is easy. Request a quote and talk to one of our sales professionals for the recommended Plasta Pig. And if you have harder deposits choose from either of our Bronze or Carbon Steel Metal Scrapers.
Choosing the Right Plasta Pig
Soft – Mud, slime, biological growth, silt, etc
Hard – Harder deposits such as baked on clay, zebra mussels, clams, twigs, etc.
Key Features
- Hi-quality proprietary blend of TPE
- Can be used with the Turbo Gun 35
- Tube sizes: 7/8” – 1 ¼”
- Color coded for ease of recognition
- Bi-directional for ease of loading cleaner
- Center through hole keeps the tube unobstructed during the cleaning process