Sanitizer is commonplace in nearly every office, restaurant, company building, and home. From basic hand sanitizer dispensers to industrial size containers used for sanitizing machinery with potentially dangerous pathogens, this product is critical for keeping people and spaces safe and clean. Here are a few key considerations for utilizing best practices in sanitation:


Sanitizers come in many different concentrations and are typically diluted to reach the target concentration for the desired surface being cleaned. Different regulations from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dictates which concentrations must be used for which surfaces (such as surfaces that come into contact with food), so it’s important to be knowledgeable about which concentrations are required for your unique space. Typically, stronger sanitation formulas must be used for environments with more of a risk of contamination, such as hospitals.

Time Frame

Sanitizers often don’t work instantaneously. Typically, basic hand sanitizers only need to be wet on a surface for 15 to 30 seconds, but for stronger and more industrial-grade sanitizers, they must be left on surfaces for upwards of 15 to 30 minutes. Educating yourself on the class of sanitation you’re using, and how long it must remain in contact with a surface, is critical to making sure its use is actually effective.


In order to properly activate and effectively sanitize a surface, the solution has to be at a proper temperature. This again varies depending on the concentration of the sanitizer, but the average temperature should typically be at least 180 degrees but no hotter than 200 degrees, or else the water will vaporize into steam before the sanitation occurs. Sanitation is an absolutely crucial step in your cleaning process, regardless of what type of environment or building you manage. Utilizing an experienced and trusted supplier such as Wheelhouse Industries provides a complete sanitation solution with our Purgo13-UV Sanitizer and QuatScan EPA registered cleaning solution.