SEASCOUR Marine Scale Remover
Unlike SEASCOUR Marine Descaler, traditional maintenance methods for these heat exchangers have been powerful inorganic acids and mechanical means. The inorganic acids can be effective but have many drawbacks. The inorganic acids are highly reactive, damaging and must be disposed of properly. Mechanical methods have limited effectiveness. These methods also have other replacement costs such as gaskets, O-rings and packing kits. These methods require substantial labor as well. A vessel can have up to 20 different heat exchangers on board. Replacement parts costs can easily exceed $20,000 per year.
SEASCOUR contains no inorganic acids such as: phosphoric, hydrochloric, muriatic, or sulfuric! Our engineers have utilized the latest chemical technologies to create a Marine Descaler that is powerful yet protects the 3 E’s: employee, equipment and the environment.
SEASCOUR is a very efficient, safe, and cost-effective solution to the removal of seashells, barnacles, mussels and marine growth from marine heat exchangers, engine water jackets, water distilling units and ancillary equipment.
This is the ideal product for use on: ships, drilling rigs, pleasure craft, boilers, hot water systems and HVAC systems.
SEASCOUR has no VOAs/VOCs. It can break down approximately 400gm of Calcium Carbonate per 1/3 gallon of product.
SEASCOUR is completely soluble with water, requires no neutralization agents and this marine descaler can be safely disposed of in the marine environment.
SEASCOUR does not oxidize, corrode, or attack those metals found in marine systems.
SEASCOUR is safe to be used with copper, magnesium, aluminum, rubber, gasket materials, steel, iron glass and many other materials.
Once a vessel’s crew is trained on the basics of heat exchanger flushing, they can perform the required maintenance on an as needed basis with SEASCOUR Marine Descaler, even when underway. All systems that require cooling will now be able to always operate at peak efficiency without the fears of overheating and breaking down.
This marine descaler is proudly distributed by Wheelhouse Industries.
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